pyRFtk package
pyRFtk.ConvertGeneral module
- pyRFtk.ConvertGeneral.ConvertGeneral(Z2, S1, Z1, type1='V', type2='V')
CovertGeneral(Z2, S1, Z1, type1=”V”¸ type2=”V”)
Converts (an array of N frequencies of) scattering matrice(s) of type1 and port impedance(s) Z1 to type2 and port impedance(s) Z2
- Z1, Z2port impedance(s)
- scalar
all port impedances are the same for all ports and frequencies
- 1D-list/array
length must correspond to the number of ports; ports have different impedances but it is the same for all frequencies
- 2D-list/array :
the shape corresponds to (nF, nP)
- S1 input S-matri-x/ces
- shape:
scalar -> nFreqs = 1, nPorts=1 -> (1,1,1) 1D-list -> nFreqs=#, nPorts=1 -> (#,1,1) 2D-list -> nFreqs=1, nPorts=# -> (1,#,#) 3D-list -> nFreqs=*, nPorts=# -> (*,#,#)
type1, type2 : S-matrix types
- “P”power wave Zk.imag==0
ak=(Vk+Zk.Ik)/(2.Zk**0.5) bk=(Vk-Zk.Ik)/(2.Zk**0.5)
- “V”voltage waveZk.imag==0
ak=(Vk+Zk.Ik)/2, bk=(Vk-Zk.Ik)/2
- “G”generalized s-matrix [Orfanidis] waveZk.imag!=0
ak=(Vk+Zk.Ik)/(2.Zk.real**0.5) bk=(Vk-Zk.Ik)/(2.Zk.real**0.5)
- S2converted S-matri-x/ces
return value has the shape of S1
pyRFtk.ReadDictData module
- pyRFtk.ReadDictData.ReadDictData(fpath, userdirs=['.'], envvar='', appdirs=[], missingOK=True, verbose=False)
read a text file representing a model (.mod4PJ, .model, .ciamod, …) and return the dict object
- pyRFtk.ReadDictData.ReadDictString(s)
pyRFtk.ReadTSF module
- pyRFtk.ReadTSF.ReadTSF(src, **kwargs)
read a touchstone file version 1
- special comments:
!PORTS str, str, … , str !PART (TOP|BOTTOM)?(LEFT|RIGHT)? !SHAPE tuple of int !NUMBERING (UP|DOWN)? !REM !MARKERS list of frequencies
pyRFtk.S_from_VI module
- pyRFtk.S_from_VI.S_from_VI(M, Z0=30.0)
returns the S on reference imedance Z0 from the VI transformation matrix M :
note S is defined for an oposite sign of I1 shown above (i.e. standard)
pyRFtk.S_from_Y module
- pyRFtk.S_from_Y.S_from_Y(Y, Zbase=50.0)
returns the scattering matrix S defined on Zbase [Ohm] from an admittance matrix Y
always returns an numpy.ndarray unless the Z is a scalar
pyRFtk.S_from_Z module
- pyRFtk.S_from_Z.S_from_Z(Z, Zbase=50.0)
returns the scattering matrix S defined on Zbase [Ohm] from an impedance matrix Z
always returns an numpy.ndarray unless the Z is a scalar
pyRFtk.Y_from_S module
- pyRFtk.Y_from_S.Y_from_S(S, Zbase=50.0)
returns the scattering matrix S defined on Zbase [Ohm] from an admittance matrix Y
always returns an numpy.ndarray unless the Z is a scalar
pyRFtk.Z_from_S module
- pyRFtk.Z_from_S.Z_from_S(S, Zbase=50.0)
returns the scattering matrix S defined on Zbase [Ohm] from an impedance matrix Z
always returns an numpy.ndarray unless the Z is a scalar
pyRFtk.circuit module
- class pyRFtk.circuit.circuit(**kwargs)
Deprecated since version 1.0.0: ‘circuit’ has been replaced by ‘rfCircuit’ but kept here for compatibility with legacy code
this implements a circuit class for manipulating RFbase objects
- RFobject must implement following methods/attributes
(attribute) Zbase float (attribute) ports list of strings (method) __len__ integer = number of ports (#p) (method) getS input:
fs float or list/array of floats, frequencies in Hz Zbase float, params dict
output: - list/array of f’s -> array of Smatrices [#f,#p,#p]
single f -> single Smatrix [#p,#p]
the resulting Smatrices are converted to Zbase if given else the Smatrix is given in the circuit’s Zbase (default 50 Ohm)
- circuit building methods
addblock(name, RFobj, ports, params) connect(*ports) terminate(port, Z=complex | Y=complex | RC=complex)
unused ports automatically become external ports
- Get_internalSmatrix(f, nodes, Zbase=None)
given a set of (internal) nodes try and find a corresponding Smatrix
- Solution(f. E, Zbase=self.Zbase, nodes=None, flags={})
returns a dict of (node, (V, I, Vf, Vr)) pairs for a excitation E at the fequency f [Hz] where node is the node’s name, V its voltage, I the current flowing into the node, Vf the forward voltage wave into the node and Vr the voltage wave reflected from the node.
E and the returned voltage wave quantities are expressed for a reference impedance Zbase which defaults to the circuit’s one.
- addblock(name, RFobj, ports=None, params={}, **kwargs)
inputs: name : str an ID of the added block RFobj : the added rf object:
- this object must minimally implement __len__ returning
the number of ports
- portsa port mapping
can be a list of length the number of ports
- of a dict mapping the PF object’s portnames to new
or ommitted to generate a generic set of names
- paramsthe parameters that will be supplied to the RFobject’s
getS(…) method
- kwargs:
- xpos: the (relative) position of the RFobject’s ports
can be a scalar
a list of lenght the number of ports
- connect(*ports)
inputs are existing as well as not yet existing ports
- copy()
- extS()
- extS returns the S-matrix solution of the current state of the
circuit matrix for the circuit’s base impedance (self.Zbase)
it is called after e.g. getS(f, Zbase, params) has recursively filled all the circuit’s block S-matrices in its matrix.
- getS(fs, Zbase=None, params={}, flags={})
- listBlocks()
- maxV(f, E, Zbase=None, Id=None, flags={}, **kwargs)
kwargs : future extesnsion ? xpos: list-like position of ports
- set(**kwargs)
- solve(f, E, Zbase)
solves the circuit for the excitation given in Zbase (defaults to self.Zbase) and flags (defaults to no flags) at frequency f
returns the solution at all nodes
- terminate(port, **kwargs)
pyRFtk.codebase module
- pyRFtk.codebase.list1dir(path, level=' ')
pyRFtk.compareSs module
- pyRFtk.compareSs.compareSs(fs, Ss, cs=[], lbls=[], **figkwargs)
pyRFtk.config module
- pyRFtk.config.CleanUpLogFile()
- pyRFtk.config.fscale(frm, to='Hz')
- pyRFtk.config.get_class_that_defined_method(meth)
- pyRFtk.config.ident(message, d=0)
- pyRFtk.config.logident(message, printargs=False, stacklev=2)
- pyRFtk.config.setLogLevel(level)
pyRFtk.findpath module
- pyRFtk.findpath.existspath(fpattern, userdirs=['.'], envvar='', appdirs=[], missingOK=True, verbose=False)
same as findpath but does not raise an exception : just return an empty string
- pyRFtk.findpath.findpath(fpattern, userdirs, envar, appdirs, missingOK, verbose)
fpattern : the file’s basename to search for
- envvarif an environment variable is set with aseparated set of
directories then these directories will be searched first in the order of appearance in the environment variable (default : ‘’)
- usersdirslist of directories searched next in order of appearance
(default [‘.’])
- appdirslist of directories searched finally in order of appearance
(default [])
missingOK : do not raise IOError when a directory does not exist
verbose : print debugging messages
pyRFtk.getlines module
- pyRFtk.getlines.getlines(src)
Given a source return an iterator function returning the next line of text in the source.
The source can be a multiline string, a string path to a file or a file descriptor such as returned when opening a file.
pyRFtk.maxfun module
- pyRFtk.maxfun.maxfun(xs, ys)
pyRFtk.plotVSWs module
- pyRFtk.plotVSWs.plotVSWs(VSWs, maxlev=4, Id=None, **kwargs)
- pyRFtk.plotVSWs.scaleVSW(VSW, scale)
- pyRFtk.plotVSWs.strVSW(VSW, indent=0)
pyRFtk.printMatrices module
- pyRFtk.printMatrices.printDB(C, pfmt='%7.3f%+7.1f°, ', printzeros='0')
pretty print a complex matrix
- pyRFtk.printMatrices.printM(M, pfmt='%7.3f%+7.3fj, ', pfun=<function <lambda>>, printzeros='0')
pretty str a complex matrix to print or write to a file
- pyRFtk.printMatrices.printMA(C, pfmt='%8.5f %+7.2f°, ', printzeros='0')
pretty print a complex matrix
- pyRFtk.printMatrices.printR(R, pfmt='%7.3f, ', printzeros='0')
pretty print (the real part) of a (possibly complex) matrix
- pyRFtk.printMatrices.printRI(C, pfmt='%7.3f%+7.3fj, ', printzeros='0')
pretty print a complex matrix
- pyRFtk.printMatrices.strM(M, pfmt='%7.3f%+7.3fj, ', pfun=<function <lambda>>, printzeros='0')
pretty ‘str’ a complex matrix
pyRFtk.resolveTLparams module
- class pyRFtk.resolveTLparams.TLresolver(**kwargs)
pyRFtk.rf3dBHybrid module
pyRFtk.rfArcObj module
pyRFtk.rfBase module
- pyRFtk.rfBase.add_debug_code(func)
- class pyRFtk.rfBase.rfBase(*args, **kwargs)
rfBase is the parent class of all RF objects
__init__ implements the setting of Id, Zbase, portnames copy, __copy__, __deepcopy__ __getstate__, __setstate__ __str__ __len__ get1S, getS tsf2str, write_tsf maxV
- asstr(full=0)
- copy()
- get1S(f)
- getS(fs=None, **kwargs)
- maxV(f, E, Zbase=None, Id=None, xpos=0.0, **kwargs)
- set(**kwargs)
set attributes of the object if present
- tsf2str(**kwargs)
return a multiline string which is the touchstone v1 representation of the rfBase object’s data.
- kwargs:
- fs: [Hz] (default self.fs) frequencies to collect in the
- Zbase: [Ohm] (default self.Zbase) get the S-matrix data on
reference impedance Zbase
- tfmt[] (default f’#MHZ S MA R {self.Zbase}’) the touchstone
file format
- comments: [] (default self.Id) a multiline comment string added
at the top of the file
- Note: Zbase is only used when R is not supplied in tfmt to define
the reference impedance Zref for the touchstone. If Zref is supplied in the tfmt then it overrules Zbase.
- write_tsf(tsbasename, **kwargs)
pyRFtk.rfCircuit module
- class pyRFtk.rfCircuit.rfCircuit(*args, **kwargs)
this implements a circuit class for manipulating RFbase objects, it depends on the :class: ‘rfObject’ class which must implement following methods/attributes
(attribute) Zbase float (attribute) ports list of strings (method) __len__ integer = number of ports (#p) (method) getS input:
fs float or list/array of floats, frequencies in Hz Zbase float, params dict
output: - list/array of f’s -> array of Smatrices [#f,#p,#p]
single f -> single Smatrix [#p,#p]
the resulting Smatrices are converted to Zbase if given else the Smatrix is given in the circuit’s Zbase (default 50 Ohm)
- circuit building methods
addblock(name, RFobj, ports, params) connect(*ports) terminate(port, Z=complex | Y=complex | RC=complex)
unused ports automatically become external ports
TODO: rename and order external ports as requested TODO: rethink on how to set parameters TODO: check logic for the status of solved or not TODO: use external sNp if available
- Get_internalSmatrix(f, nodes, Zbase=None)
given a set of (internal) nodes try and find a corresponding Smatrix
- Solution(f. E, Zbase=self.Zbase, nodes=None, flags={})
returns a dict of (node, (V, I, Vf, Vr)) pairs for a excitation E at the fequency f [Hz] where node is the node’s name, V its voltage, I the current flowing into the node, Vf the forward voltage wave into the node and Vr the voltage wave reflected from the node.
E and the returned voltage wave quantities are expressed for a reference impedance Zbase which defaults to the circuit’s one.
nodes: None, [ nodes ]
If the requested nodes input is None all nodes are evaluated recursively in the whole circuit.
If nodes is [] then anyway the nodes at the level if the object are evaluated but the nodes in subblocks are not evaluated.
So there may be more nodes evaluated than requested.
- addblock(name, RFobj, ports=None, params={}, **kwargs)
adds a previously defined circuit block to the circuit
- Parameters:
name – str an ID of the added block
RFobj –
the added rf object: this object must minimally implement __len__ returning
the number of ports
ports –
a port mapping : - can be a list of length the number of ports - of a dict mapping the PF object’s portnames to new
or ommitted to generate a generic set of names
params – the parameters that will be supplied to the RFobject’s getS(…) method
kwargs – relpos: the (relative) position of the RFobject
- connect(*ports)
connects the specified ports in the circuit.
- Params ports:
existing as well as not yet existing ports
- deembed(IntPorts={}, ExtPorts={})
deembeds ports State of the rfCircuit object: it solves for (Sinternal is not explicitly known)
- Parameters:
IntPorts –
list of size 2 tuples or dict [ (rfCircuit.port, rfCircuit.port_new), … ] or { rfCircuit.port:rfCircuit.port_new, … }
these are the “internal” ports of the circuit i.e. these are connected through the RFobj
ExtPorts –
list of size 2 tuples or dict [ (rfCircuit.port, rfCircuit.port), … ] or { rfCircuit.port:rfCircuit.port, … }
these are the “external” ports of the circuit i.e. these are connected through the RFobj
- extS()
returns the S-matrix solution of the current state of the circuit matrix for the circuit’s base impedance (self.Zbase) it is called after e.g. getS(f, Zbase, params) has recursively filled all the circuit’s block S-matrices in its matrix.
- findObj(location)
- getS(fs, Zbase=None, params={}, flags={})
- getpos(node)
return the position of the node
- Parameters:
node – The node
- listBlocks()
- maxV(f, E, Zbase=None, Id=None, flags={}, **kwargs)
kwargs : future extension ?
- resolve_xpos()
tries to build and xpos based on the underlying blocks’ information
- set(*args, **kwargs)
- kwargs: dict of
- (“blkID”, sdict)
where sdict is a similar dict that goes further into the chain of nested rf objects
- (“>attr”, value)
where attr is an rf object’s attribute that gets the value
- e.g.
rfCircuitA | +- rfRLC1 | | | +- Ls | +- rfCircuitB
- +- rfTRL1
+- L
- rfCircuitA.set(rfRLC1= {“Ls”:20e-9},
rfCircuitB= {“rfTRL1”: {“L”:1.0}}
- rfCircuitA.set({‘rfRLC1.Ls’:20e-9,
rfCircuitA.set(‘rfRLC1.Ls’, 20e-9) rfCircuitA.set(‘rfCircuitB.rfTRL1’, {‘L:1.0})
The purpose of the different formalisms:
.set(‘kw’, {attr1: val1, attr2: val2}, …)
or .set((‘kw’, {attr1: val1, attr2: val2}), …) or .set(kw = {attr1: val1, attr2: val2}, …)
is to be able to set multiple attributes at once.
in case a single attribute needs to be set:
.set(‘kw.attr’, val, …)
or .set((‘kw.attr’, val), … ) but .set(kw.attr = val, … ) will not work !! thus .set(kw = {‘attr’: val}, … }
The kwarg formulation is more restrictive if one wants to loop over multiple objects where one wants to set the attributes.
Possibly the kwarg formalism need to be cancelled ?
- solve(f, E, Zbase)
solves the circuit for the excitation given in Zbase (defaults to self.Zbase) and flags (defaults to no flags) at frequency f
sets the solution at all waves in self.sol
- terminate(port, **kwargs)
terminates the given port, can be either to ground by specifying some Z value or leave it open by specifying Y=0
- Parameters:
port – The port to terminate
kwargs – With what to terminate the port (e.g Z=5)
pyRFtk.rfGTL module
- pyRFtk.rfGTL.processGTL(fMHz, Zbase, GTL_data, **kwargs)
a GTL data structure is as follows:
- {‘Portnames’: ordered list of port names (if a sNp touchstone file is
provided the order must match),
‘sNp’ : optional touchstone file, # * future extension *
- ‘relpos’{‘p1’:position, … } where the p1 are some or all of the
‘variables’: { dict of substitutions },
‘defaults’ : { dict of default AddBlockGTL kwargs }, # * future extension *
- ‘GTL{
‘TLid1’: { # AddBlockGTL kwargs General TL section 1
length: float
- Portnames: [ list of 2 portnames ], # portname =
# str | (str, dict) | dict # dict = CT.Terminate kwargs
relpos: float # optional: position of 1st port
… General_TL kwargs of the TL properties …
}, # TLid1
‘TLidN’: { AddBlockGTL kwargs General TL section N
… TLid 1 …
}, # TLidN
}, # GTL
pyRFtk.rfObject module
- class pyRFtk.rfObject.rfObject(*args, **kwargs)
The purpose of rfObject is to create a frequency vs. S-matrix “glorified” LUT
The creation of the rfObject can be done in several manners:
the simplest is to load a touchstone file e.g. produced by Ansys/HFSS and the likes
myObject = rfObject(touchstone=<path_to_touchstone>)
another method is the fill the table manually
portnames = <list of ports> myObject = rfObject(ports = portnames]
- for fHz in fHzs:
S = <calculate S> myObject.setS(fHz, S)
Once an rfObject is created the 2 main methods of use are:
rfObject.getS(fHz, Zbase=None)
excitation = {port1:a1, … } Vamx, rfObject.maxV(fHz, excitation)
- S_from_Y(Y)
returns the scattering matrix S defined on Zbase [Ohm] from an impedance matrix Z
- S_from_Z(Z)
returns the scattering matrix S defined on Zbase [Ohm] from an impedance matrix Z
- convert2newZbase(newZbase)
converts the rfObject’s Ss and Zbase to newZbase
newZbase: target reference impedance
- copy()
- deembed(ports)
deembeds the ports with a simple lossless TL of length L and characteristic impedance Z
ports is a dict containing the ports to be deembeded: the value is either a scalar (int, float) giving L assuming the default Z being the object’s Zbase or a 2-tuple (L, Z) or a dict which is passed as kwargs to rfTRL.
Positive L means the deembeding is into the port
- getS(fs, **kw)
- maxV(f, E, Zbase=None, ID='<rfObject>', **kwargs)
- process_kwargs()
- read_tsf(src, **kwargs)
- setS(f, S, Portnames=None)
- sortports(order=<slot wrapper '__lt__' of 'str' objects>)
pyRFtk.rfRLC module
- class pyRFtk.rfRLC.rfRLC(*args, **kwargs)
- – Cs – Ls – Rs –+– (p)
Cp Lp Rp | | | +—+—+
- kwargs:
Zbase : reference impedance [50 Ohm] ports : port names [[‘s’,’p’]] Rp : parallel resistance [+inf Ohm] Lp : parallel inductance [+inf H] Cp : parallel capacity [0 F] Rs : series resistance [0 Ohm] Ls : series inductance [0 H] Cs : series capacity [+inf F]
thus the default is : (s) – (p)
- asstr(full=False)
- copy()
- getS(fs, Zbase=None, params={}, **kw)
- maxV(f, E, Zbase=None, ID=None, **kwargs)
- set(**kwargs)
pyRFtk.rfTRL module
- class pyRFtk.rfTRL.rfTRL(*args, **kwargs)
this class defines a TL rf object
- Parameters:
ID – an identifier (optional) could be used for logging errors and warnings
ports – (default [‘1’,’2’]) names the ports on either side of the TL section
L – (default 0[m]) total length of the TL section
Zbase – (default 50[Ohm]) reference impedance of the S-matrix representing the TL section
dx –
(default int(72)) dimensional step along the axis of the TL section that is used to solve the telegraphist’s ODE as well as the requested VI standing waves.
If an int-like is given the intitial step is estimated as a 1/Nth of the wavelength along the transmission line.
If a float-like is given it is taken as the dimensional step size. This initial estimate is refined so that an integer number of steps fits the TL section’s length.
if a [floats]-like is given end points are added as necessary and the list is used as the node points along the TL. TODO: implement this.
odeparams – (default {‘rtol’:1E-12, ‘atol’:1E-12})
xpos – (default 0[m]) relative position of the first port of the TL section. useful to position VI standing waves on figures.
sNp – sNp-object (default=None) TODO: implement
TL parameters can be given as:
- float-like
just a constant value along the length of the TL section
- [floats]-like
the TL section is split in len([floats])-1 segments that have a piece-wise linear varying value of the paramter (note: continuous). A list of 1 long is treated as a float-like
- [[floats],[floats]]-like
the node positions are given in the first [floats] and their values in the second [floats]. The node positions do not need to start or end on the TL boundaries: the values are linarly interpolated or extrapolated to the nearest as the case may be.
In case any of the supplied parameters are not constant the solving for the TL’s S-matrix and VI standing waves will invoke an ODE solver to solve the telegraphist’s equation. Otherwise the (constant) complex characteristic impedance and propagation constant is (derived form the supplied parameters and) used to explicitly solve the telegraphist’s equation.
Global TL properties:
Z0TL: [Ohm] characteristic impedance of the TL
LTL: [H/m] line inductance of the TL CTL: [F/m] line capacitance of the TL
- rTL: [Ohm/m] line resistance of the TL
rTLO: [[Ohm/m] line resistance of the outer conductor of the TL rTLI: [Ohm/m] line resistance of the inner conductor of the TL
gTL: [Mho/m] medium conductance of the TL
A: [1/m] attenuation constant AdB: [dB/m] attenuation constant in dB/m
Conductor properties:
- rho: [Ohm.m] specific resistivity of the conductors
rhoO: [Ohm.m] specific resistivity of the outer conductor rhoI: [Ohm.m] specific resistivity of the inner conductor
murO: [mu0] outer conductor’s permeability murI: [mu0] inner conductor’s permeability
Medium properies:
sigma: [Mho/m] specific conductivity of the medium tand: [1] medium dielectric loss tangent
epsr: [epsilon0] medium’s relative permitivity mur: [mu0] medium’s relative permeability
etar: [eta0] medium’s relative impedance
vr: [c0] medium’s relative wave velocity
Geometric properties:
OD: [m] outer diameter of a circular coaxial TL ID: [m] inner diameter of a circular coaxial TL
qTL: [1/m] rTL = (w rho mur mu0 / 2)**0.5 * qTL qTLO: [1/m] rTLO= (w rhoO murO mu0 / 2)**0.5 * qTLO qTLI: [1/m] rTLI = (w rhoI murI mu0 / 2)**0.5 * qTLI
Implemented methods:
- __init__(**kwargs):
performs the initial build of the TL section’s properties
- __str__:
returns a nicely formated string describing the defined TL section
- __len__:
(mandatory for RF objects) returns the number of ports
- set(**kwargs):
(mandatory for RF objects) modifies some of the properties of the TL section
currently implemented:
L for a constant TL section TODO: expand on the parameters and remove constant condition
- solveVI(f->float, [V0 -> np.complex, I0-> np.complex]): -> np.array
solves the telegraphist’s equation either explicitly for constant TL sections or through an ODE solver otherwise. returns depending on the input parameters (see method)
- getS(fs, Zbase=None, params={})
returns the S-matrix/ces for the requested frequency/ies [Hz] for the reference impedance Zbase (or the object’s reference impedance if not supplied). Prior to the evaluation the params-dict is passed to the object’s set method as **params.
- VISWs(f, E, Zbase=None)
returns xs, (
maxV(f, E, Zbase=None)
- VISWs(f, E, Zbase=None)
- asstr(full=False)
- copy()
- getS(fs, Zbase=None, params={}, **kw)
returns an (array of) S-matrice(s) at the frequency(ies)fs
Returns a single S-matrix for a float-like frequency fs [Hz] or a 1D array of S-matrices for a [floats]-like fs.
The returned S-matrice(s) is(are) defined at the object’s reference impedance or at the supplied reference impedance Zbase.
The object’s set function self.set(**kwargs) is called with **params prior to the evaluation.
- maxV(f, E, Zbase=None, ID='<top>', **kwargs)
- set(**kwargs)
- solveVI(f, V0=None, I0=None)
Solves the telegraphist’s equation
The telegraphist’s equation is solved for frequency f[Hz] either explicitly for a TL section with constant TL parameters or using scipy.integrate.odeint otherwise.
The node points along the TL are defined through the atribute ‘dx’.
- TODO: for an int-like ‘dx’ and a non-constant TL section the estimation
of the node points is not correctly implemented.
- Note: in the telegrapher’s equation the currents are flowing out of the
‘sink’ port (V0,I0) and into the ‘source’ port (would be V1=self.U[-1], I1= self.I[-1].
pyRFtk.str_dict module
- pyRFtk.str_dict.str_dict(adict)
pyRFtk.tictoc module
- pyRFtk.tictoc.tic()
- pyRFtk.tictoc.toc(t0=None)
pyRFtk.whoami module
- pyRFtk.whoami.whoami(pname=None, dframe=1)